A Century with Emmanuel Levinas: Resonances of a Philosophy

Mon, 16/01/2006 to Fri, 20/01/2006



Joëlle Hansel, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Marie-Anne Lescourret, Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg
Shalom Rosenberg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Shmuel Wygoda, Yaakov Herzog College/ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Cyril Aslanov, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


The year 2006 marks the first centenary of Emmanuel Levinas's birth. On this occasion an international conference entitled "A century with Emmanuel Levinas: Resonances of a Philosophy" will take place at the University of Jerusalem. The conference will bring together speakers to deal with Levinas' thought from various perspectives: history of philosophy, phenomenology, ethics and politics, literary and art criticism, Jewish and Christian philosophy, hermeneutics of the Bible and Talmud. The aim is to embrace most aspects of Levinas philosophy as well as their applications to contemporary thought. A special emphasis will be laid on the Jewish inspiration and its relationship with other monotheisms.


The conference is supported by the following institutions:

Foundation pour la Mémorie de la Shoah (Paris)
Fonds Social Juif Unifié (Paris)
Keshet Foundation (New York)
Friends of the Hebrew University in France
The French Embassy in Israel
Forum Europa at the Hebrew University
Centre de Recherches Français de Jérusalem
The Royal Embassy of the Netherlands
The French community of Belgium
The Flemish community of Belgium