The 20th Midrasha Mathematicae: 60 Faces to Groups | Israel Institute for Advanced Studies

The 20th Midrasha Mathematicae: 60 Faces to Groups

Sun, 06/11/2016 to Fri, 11/11/2016
20th  Midrasha poster

60 Faces to Groups

General Director: Peter Sarnak (IAS Princeton)



Nir Avni (Northwestern University)
Chen Meiri (Technion)
Shahar Mozes (The Hebrew University)
Ori Parzanchevski (The Hebrew University)
Yuval Roichman (Bar Ilan University)
Aner Shalev (The Hebrew University)
Uzi Vishne (Bar Ilan University)


Program >

Abstracts Booklet >

Recorded Lectures >



Shai Evra, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Emmanuel Kowalski, ETH Zurich
Nikolay Nikolov, University of Oxford
Rostislav Grigorchuk, Texas A&M University
Alan Reid, University of Texas at Austin
Andrei Rapinchuk, University of Virginia
Aner Shalev, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Marcus Du Sautoy, University of Oxford
Robert Guralnick, University of Southern California
Tsachik Gelander, Weizmann Institute of Science
Dan Segal, Oxford University
Inna Capdeboscq, University of Warwick
Peter Sarnak, IAS Princeton
Efim Zelmanov, University of San Diego
Martin Liebeck, Imperial College London
Ori Parzanchevski, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Karen Vogtmann, University of Warwick