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Moral Psychology, Moral Motivation and Moral Realism

[RG #112] Moral Psychology, Moral Motivation and Moral Realism

March 1 - August 31, 2008


David Enoch (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

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Metaethics is the philosophical sub-discipline that does not study normative issues (such as which actions are right, what makes a life go better, etc.) but rather second-order questions, questions about (not within) morality. These include the semantics, metaphysics, epistemology, and psychology of morality (and perhaps of other normative discourse). Modern metaethics is said to have emerged at the beginning of the 20th century (perhaps with Moore's Principia Ethica), and dominated the philosophical interest in morality until the 1960s when philosophical study of first-order, normative issues became more popular and influential. But the last decade or so has witnessed a tremendous rise in the philosophical interest in metaethics.

Though not often found in the interdisciplinary literature -- metaethics (in the analytic tradition) is a fairly abstract, professional-philosophical debate -- metaethics is easily characterizable as intersubdisciplinary: one cannot seriously study the metaphysics of morals without possessing at least a good overall grasp of metaphysics; one cannot seriously study moral epistemology without at least a good overall understanding of epistemology; and similarly, it is impossible to me a metaethicist without a good grasp of major theories and arguments in the philosophy of language, mind, and action, and perhaps in aesthetics as well.

Indeed, the metaethical debate has recently become even wider in scope, for it is now widely noted that just as morality is a particular instance of a largely normative discourse, metaethics is a particular instance of metanormativity. Normative discourse also includes, for example, the part of epistemic discourse that deals with obviously normative notions such as justification, entitlement, and reasons for belief. There is a close link between the philosophical problems surrounding moral discourse and those surrounding epistemic discourse. And a comprehensive metanormative theory will need to be general enough to be applied to different kinds of normative discourses (such as morality, the normative part of epistemology, some parts of aesthetic discourse), but also to accomodate the differences between them.


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Pnina Lahav

Boston University
Pnina is a professor in the School of Law at Boston University. Her research interests are constitutional law and legal history.

Amalia Kessler

Stanford Law School
Amalia is a professor at Stanford Law School.

Steven Wilf

University of Connecticut
Steven is a professor in the School of Law at the University of Connecticut. His research interests are the history of law and intellectual property law.

Christopher Tomlins

Northwestern School of Law
Christopher is a professor at Northwestern School of Law and the American Bar Foundation.

Yoram Schachar

IDC Herzliya
Yoram is a professor in the School of Law at IDC Herzliya. His research interests are legal history, comparative law, and criminal law.

Assaf Likhovski

Tel Aviv University
Assaf is a professor in the Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University. His research interests are legal history, taxation, comparative law, and jurisprudence.

Morton Horwitz

Harvard Law School
Morton is a professor at Harvard Law School. His research interest is legal history.

Ron Harris

Tel Aviv University
Ron is a professor in the Faculty of Law at Tel Aviv University. His research interests are: Anglo-American legal and economic history; history of business organizations; Israeli legal history; consumer bankruptcy; and comparative law.

Common Law Legal Transplants: A Comparative Historical Analysis

[RG #113] Common Law Legal Transplants: A Comparative Historical Analysis

March 1 - August 31, 2008


Ron Harris (Tel Aviv University)
Assaf Likhovski (Tel Aviv University)

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The goal of our research group is to examine the historical process by which common law has spread around the globe. English law and the legal systems that arose from these systems, primarily American law, have enjoyed immense success in conquering the world. Our group seeks to understand the factors assisting and inhibiting common law transplantation in the distant and more recent past. We will do so by bringing into sharp focus two specific historical examples of common legal law transplantation, to compare them to gain a better understanding of the process that we will examine. The two examples are the United States and Israel. Both countries provide instructive examples of common law transplantations, its successes and problems.


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Sara Solla

Northwestern University
Sara is a professor in the Department of Physiology at Northwestern University. Her research interests are theoretical and computational neuroscience.

Jonathan D. Victor

Weill Cornell Medical College
Jonathan is a professor in the Department of Neurology and Neuroscience at Weill Cornell Medical College. His research interests are neural coding, visual cortex, large-scale brain dynamics, and information theory.

Istvan Winkler

Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Istvan is a professor in the Institute for Psychology at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His research interests are auditory perception and memory, and modelling sound organization in the human brain.

Alessandro Treves

Alessandro is a professor in the Cognitive Neuroscience Sector at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA). His research interests are theoretical neuroscience.

Naftali Tishby

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Naftali is a professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering, the Interdisciplinary Center for Neutral Computation, and the Sudarsky Center for Computational Biology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.