The Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS) was established by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1975 as a self-governing body, whose mission is to create multidisciplinary learning communities of academics.

The IIAS promotes excellence in collaborative and individual scholarship on compelling intellectual challenges, and it welcomes researches and scholars from all fields and from all parts of the world. Along with selected individual fellows and collaborative Research Groups, the Institute annually hosts six Advanced Schools as well as many conferences.

Since its establishment, the Institute has provided its scholars with openness and academic freedom that encourages their scientific and intellectual exchange. Situated on the Edmund J. Safra campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the IIAS offers access to the unique historic and cultural resources of Jerusalem and beyond, and thus contributes to the interchange of knowledge and the vitality of academic life in Israel and around the world.

The IIAS is committed to the values of human dignity, the sanctity of life, equality, and freedom for all people. It is also committed to protecting the freedom of expression of all members of our society and academic community. The IIAS, as part of Israeli academia, is a central factor in promoting liberal and democratic values, in protecting the rule of law, in providing a safe space for diversity of opinions and the promotion of equality. We seek to be a place for international cooperation, which is necessary to ensure the contribution of the higher education system to the promotion of peace and justice in Israel and beyond.


Subscribe for IIAS Newsletter

The IIAS invites scholars from Israel and abroad to submit proposals for individual fellowships and Research Group (RG) proposals for the 2026-2027 academic year, with a deadline of December 1, 2024. (The online system will open for submission on September 1, 2024) Topics for individual fellowships may encompass any research area from any discipline and should aim to be innovative, potentially influencing research in the field. Additionally, scholars interested in collaborating on the same project should apply individually while clearly expressing their intention to work together. As for Research Group proposals, initiator(s) affiliated with any academic institution in Israel or abroad are encouraged to submit, covering research topics across all disciplines, including interdisciplinary research, and should also strive for innovation with the potential to impact their research field.



Save the Date



Dennis Gaitsgory and Team Prove Geometric Langlands Conjecture

21 July, 2024


Dennis Gaitsgory, along with a team of mathematicians, has proved the geometric Langlands conjecture, a major milestone in modern mathematics. This achievement, which spans over 800 pages in five papers, resolves a crucial part of the Langlands program, a framework connecting number theory, geometry, and function fields.


Irit Dveer Dinur and Elon Lindenstrauss Appointed to IAS Princeton Faculty

21 July, 2024

We are delighted to share the news that Irit Dveer Dinur and Elon Lindenstrauss have been appointed as permanent faculty members at IAS Princeton. 

Dinur and Lindenstrauss have a long-standing association with the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, where their potential was recognized early on with the Michael Bruno Memorial Award. Dinur received the Bruno Award in 2007, and Lindenstrauss in 2008. Both scholars have also taught, organized, and led several Advanced School in Mathematics at IIAS, enriching the IIAS academic community with their expertise and leadership.

Noga Alon Receives the 2024 Wolf Prize in Mathematics

Noga Alon Receives the 2024 Wolf Prize in Mathematics

11 July, 2024


The IIAS is proud to announce that Noga Alon has been honored with the prestigious 2024 Wolf Prize in Mathematics. Alon shares the Wolf Prize with Adi Shamir of the Weizmann Institute of Science for their pioneering contributions to mathematical cryptography, combinatorics, and the theory of computer science.

New Research Reveals Brown Widow Spiders in Israel Carry Unique Bacteria

New Research Reveals Brown Widow Spiders in Israel Carry Unique Bacteria

10 July, 2024


Brown widow spiders, scientifically known as *Latrodectus geometricus*, are swarming Israel. Recent research reveals that 86% of these spiders carry a strain of Rhabdochlamydia, a bacterium related to Chlamydia. However, it's important to note that bites from these spiders do not transmit Chlamydia.

Jan Grabowski Discusses European Election Results and Personal Threats on National TV

Jan Grabowski Discusses European Election Results and Personal Threats on National TV

8 July, 2024


Jan Grabowski, a Polish-Canadian professor of history at the University of Ottawa and IIAS Fellow for the 2024 academic year, recently appeared on Israeli national television. During an interview on the program "The World Today" with Yoav Zehavi, Grabowski discussed the rise of the extreme right in Poland, the implications of recent European election results, and the severe threats he has faced due to his controversial stance on the Polish people's involvement in the Holocaust.

Jan Grabowski's Essay in Jewish Quarterly

Jan Grabowski's Essay in Jewish Quarterly

7 July, 2024


Jan Grabowski, a fellow at IIAS during the 2024 academic year, is publishing an important essay for the forthcoming issue of The Jewish Quarterly (JQ257 - August 2024): "Whitewash: Poland and the Jews," addresses the ongoing challenges Poland faces in acknowledging its role in the Holocaust.


Our Scholars


Anna Zapalec

University of the National Education Commission, Krakow
Y. Weiss

Yfaat Weiss

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

All Scholars >
  • "There was something magical about the Institute, the people and the beautiful and serene campus, which I cannot quite explain, but it provided exactly the right mixture of quiet surrounding for research and opportunities to get together, consult and exchange ideas."

    Eyal Benvenisti

    University of Cambridge


  • "IAS was my home away from home for four times in two turbulent decades. It was a haven of tranquility, reflection, camaraderie and sheer beauty. Cooperation within my immediate groups was a source of abundant inspiration, but what made the IAS experience unique was the presence and influence of other groups. In my mind, the IAS comes closest to the ideal community of scholars."


    Yoram Shachar

    IDC Herzliya


  • "[My stay at the Institute] gave me the sense of a special place and time, separated from other activities and commitments, and forever associated with research on the topic of our collective endeavor... Such an environment offers a special kind of inspiration."


    David Konstan

    New York University