Open calls

open call

Open Call for Research Groups 2026-2027

The application period is now closed.

The IIAS invites scholars from Israel and abroad to submit Research Group (RG) proposals for the 2026-2027 academic year. Research proposals may be submitted by initiator(s) affiliated with any academic institution in Israel or abroad. Proposals may cover any research topic from all disciplines including interdisciplinary research, and must seek to be innovative with potential impact on their research field.

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RG size is flexible, ranging from 5-8 core fellows, and each RG can include one postdoctoral fellow. Scholars spend their residency at the IIAS, located at the Edmond J. Safra Campus in Givat Ram, Jerusalem. The IIAS provides its fellows and visiting scholars with a nurturing and stimulating academic environment, as well as administrative support. Fellows from abroad receive a generous fellowship and family accommodation.

 What is a Research Group?

Each RG brings together a diverse group of scholars to engage in research questions of common interest. The group fellows benefit from integrative thinking and rich dialogue, while expanding individual fellows’ research. Our expectation is that the RG’s period of residence will result in creative and original research that will be shared with the international research community.

Former fellows may apply once 10 years have elapsed from the end of their previous term to the beginning of the academic year of their Fellowship.


Period of Residence

The IIAS academic year runs from September 1 to June 30. Proposals should include a request for a five- or ten-month residency period. Exceptions may be granted to Research Groups to be in residence for a three-month period (e.g. for experimental sciences). These are the possible options:

  • The ten-month residencies begin September 1

  • The five-month residencies begin September 1 or February 7

  • The three-month residencies begin September 1, February 7, or May 1

Application Deadline and Notification

The online system will open for submission on September 1, 2024.
The deadline for application submission is December 1, 2024 (midnight).

Initiators are welcome to consult with the IIAS Director prior to submitting the proposal. To schedule a meeting please fill in the form HERE.

The IIAS Academic Committee announces its decisions regarding the selected proposals within seven months of the submission deadline. Rejected proposals may be resubmitted.

Application Information >

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Open Call for Individual Fellowships 2022-2023

Open Call for Individual Fellowships 2026-2027

The application period is now closed.

The IIAS invites scholars from Israel and abroad to submit proposals for an individual fellowship at the IIAS for the 2026-2027 academic year. Topics may cover any research area from any discipline and must seek to be innovative, with the potential to impact research in the field. Two or three scholars who collaborate on the same project should apply individually and state clearly that they wish to work together.

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Fellows spend their residency at the IIAS, located at the Edmond J. Safra Givat Ram campus of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The IIAS provides fellows with a nurturing and stimulating academic environment, as well as administrative support. Fellows from abroad receive a generous fellowship and subsidized accommodation.

Our expectation is that the fellow’s residency will result in creative and original research that can be shared with the international research community.

Eligibility to Apply

Scholars may be from Israel or abroad and must have a tenured position with an academic research institution. 
Former fellows may apply for an individual fellowship once 10 years have elapsed from the end of their previous term by the beginning of the academic year of their fellowship. This fellowship is not open to postdoctoral researchers.

Period of Residence

The IIAS academic year runs from September 1 to June 30. Residencies are open for either 10 months or 5 months and the proposal should contain the requested period of residency according to the following options:

10-month residencies beginning September 1

5-month residencies beginning September 1 or February 1

Application and Notification Timeline

Applications are to be submitted online between September 1 - December 1 (midnight).

In the online form, the applicant is required to submit the following details:

  1. Personal information
  2. A list of 4 international experts in the candidate’s field and their contact information

In addition to the above, the applicant should provide the following documents:

  1. Letter of Intent (up to 1000 words): description of the project and justification
  2. Professional CV and a full list of publications

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

The deadline to submit applications is December 1, 2024 (midnight).

The IIAS Academic Committee announces its decisions regarding
the selected proposals within seven months of the submission deadline.


Application Information >



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Open Call for Constructive Advanced Thinking (CAT) Programme 2025 - 2027

Deadline for applications: 15 September 2024, 15:00 CET

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The aim of the CAT initiative is to foster networks of excellent early-career researchers dedicated to devising new ideas to understand and to tackle current or emerging societal challenges. Although the programme has a strong focus on the societal relevance of the projects, it is entirely blue sky, bottom-up and non-thematic. CAT encourages a collaboration with stakeholders outside academia (industry, policymakers, NGOs…) who are willing to support or engage in innovative research initiatives.

In order to engage in fruitful discussions and mature their ideas, the groups will be given the opportunity to meet for short stays in different participating institutes, and to be put in contact with the institutes’ fellows and local research communities.

With few guidelines and a very light application process, CAT is designed to maximize the creativity of research groups. This call has been incubated in the Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study (NETIAS) and also involves institutes beyond the network. The collaboration between several institutes in different countries aims at giving these groups access to a great variety of high-level thinkers and researchers in order to go beyond the current frontiers of knowledge and to develop highly innovative ideas on how to address very complex societal issues.


CAT will provide teams of early-career researchers (three to five persons) time and space for thought and discussion in the best research environments Europe has to offer. The groups may include one representative of a stakeholder organization related to the theme of the project. During a period of up to three years, teams will benefit from a series of short stays (i.e. between one and two weeks, two to three times a year, for a maximum of six stays) in institutes participating in the program (see list below). Online meetings and digital research stays at the institutes are possible alternatives to onsite stays and can complete the work and time plan of CAT groups.

CAT will cover travel and accommodation expenses for the team meetings/short work stays in the participating institutes. CAT will not fund salaries or research-related expenses.

The participating institutes will support the teams by connecting them with the most knowledgeable and experienced researchers onsite as well as digitally, and by helping them valorise the obtained results through their legitimating channels. During their stay, CAT teams will benefit from the institutes’ amenities and conviviality for work and exchanges. Discussions at the institutes will provide a unique sounding board for innovative ideas and will give valuable feedback.

Obligations for CAT groups

At mid-term, the continuation of the institute’s support to the team’s work will be subject to approval after evaluation of a short progress report.

At the end of their project, in addition to the organization of (a) final meeting(s) presenting the results, the CAT teams will be expected to produce a final report in the form of a text, video, website or other media, that will be made public.

In keeping with the policies of the participating institutes, the researchers keep the intellectual property rights to their work.

Eligibility criteria

The project must address emergent societal issues.

  • The Principal Investigator (team leader) must have a stable research position in a European (EU as well as UK and associated countries) higher education and/or research institution for the entire duration of the project.
  • S/he must have obtained a PhD between January 2015 and September 2024.          
  • No team member should have obtained his/her PhD before January 2015. Doctoral researchers may also participate.
  • The eligibility can be extended beyond 10 years after the PhD for any member of the group for certain properly documented circumstances such as maternity and paternity leaves, clinical training, long-term illness, national service, natural disaster or seeking asylum.
  • There is no specific diploma or age requirement for representatives of stakeholder organizations.
  • Each team should include participants from at least two different countries (current workplace, including non-European countries; any nationality).
  • The team of 3 to 5 persons (stakeholders included) must be fully constituted, with CVs of all members named in the proposal.

Please submit your application documents in English as PDF files (the various parts of the application may be sent as one PDF). Applications should include the following materials:

  1. a 300-word abstract;
  2. a 3000-word max project proposal (references not included in the count) OR a video of 15 min max (in this case, please include the web link in the abstract), describing the team’s research question and how it plans to address it. The team’s motivation as well as the societal issues addressed and the interdisciplinary aspects of the project should be specified;
  3. a work plan for the whole project duration, including meetings (tentative dates and possibly preferred hosting IAS) and activities with an indicative calendar;
  4. a short description of the team
  5. CVs for each participant and an indication of where they will travel from to the meetings; 
  6. letters of support: at least two letters from academic researchers; additional letters from a stakeholders outside academia are encouraged.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Submit proposals via the online application platform.  

Selection and evaluation process

The proposals will be examined by the participating institutes and peer-reviewed by experts. In the spirit of a bottom-up and open call, the way the teams understand the call and design their proposal is one assessment criterion. Other criteria include the academic quality and interdisciplinarity of the proposal and its societal relevance, the quality of the team, the organization and feasibility of the work plan and the innovativeness of the approach to the issue at stake.

The CAT selection committee will distribute stays of teams to the various participating institutes. Teams may suggest specific participating institutes, providing the reasons, but the final decision will be taken by the selection committee. Selected projects will be given a binding list of institutes that can host them. This list is non-negotiable.

The institutes will discuss the dates of planned meetings with the teams.

Non-selected projects will not receive feedback on the reasons for rejection.

Questions can be directed to:  (Ms. Keren Rechnitzer)


Deadline for applications: 15 September 2024, 15:00 CET

Successful applications will be notified by the end of January, 2025

Stays in participating institutes will take place between January 2025 and December 2027.

 Institutes Participating in the 2023 call for applications:

Aarhus Institute for Advanced Studies, Aarhus
Institute for Advanced Study at CEU, Budapest
Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem
Madrid Institute for Advanced Study, Madrid
Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, Amsterdam
Paris Institute for Advanced Study, Paris
Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Berlin
Zukunftskolleg, Konstanz
Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions, Montpellier
Scienza Nuova, Torino

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Open Call for the Michael Bruno Award 2024


Deadline: June 1, 2024 (midnight)

The Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS) hereby invites all full professors (current or emeriti) at Israeli research institutions to nominate candidates for the Michael Bruno Memorial Award for mid-career scholars in the STEM fields.

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The 2024 Michael Bruno Memorial Award

The Michael Bruno Memorial Award is granted annually to three outstanding mid-career Israeli scholars who have demonstrated an exceptional originality of mind, dedication and ground-breaking impact in their research, and who have managed to influence and re-shape their field of expertise. This award, a personal prize in an amount of 200,000 NIS, is the highest recognition of past accomplishments, but they are also a vote of confidence in the laureates’ future achievements and contributions to research and to Israeli academia. As of 2022 the award alternates each year between STEM scholars and scholars in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Law.

The 2024 award will be granted to STEM scholars. 



March 1, 2024        The submission platform opens for nominations

June 1, 2024          Deadline for submitting nominations 

December 31, 2024      Announcement of the 2023 Bruno Award laureates


Who can nominate Bruno candidates?

The nominator must be a full professor or professor emeritus from any Israeli research institution. Each nominator may nominate only one candidate. No self-nominations will be accepted. Candidates should not be informed of their nomination.


Candidate eligibility

Eligible candidates must be faculty members iof STEM fields in Israeli research institutions who are under 50 years of age as of February 15, 2024, or up to 15 years after University appointment.


Nomination process                              

The nomination deadline is June 1, 2024 and the form is to be submitted online.

The nomination form and all attached materials must be in English.

In the online form, the nominator is asked to enter the following details:

  1. The candidate’s personal information: full name, date of birth, affiliation
  2. Short description of your reasons for nominating the candidate (maximum 150 words)
  3. Description of your relationship to the candidate, including comments pertaining to any potential conflicts of interest
  4. A list of the candidate's three most important publications
  5. Indication of the h-index, if applicable
  6. A list of 4 international experts in the candidate’s field and their contact information.

In addition to the above, the nominator is required to provide the following documents (pdf format):

  1. The candidate’s professional CV and a full list of publications
  2. A letter written by the nominator recommending the candidate, and detailing the candidate’s impact on his/her research field and unique contributions
  3. A letter from an additional faculty member in Israel (need not be a full professor but must be from a different academic institution than the nominator)
  4. PDFs of the candidate’s three most important publications (indicated in the online form). If one of this publications is a book, one representative chapter from the book will suffice.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.


The selection process

The selection is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the list of candidates will be narrowed to a shortlist. At the second stage, each candidate on the shortlist will be evaluated with the help of external referees.

The candidates are selected by an external selection committee of renowned scholars (3-5 people) in the relevant fields. The decision of the selection committee will then be passed to the approval of the IIAS Board of Directors, before being announced officially.

The selected laureates and their nominators will be personally informed. A general announcement will be sent to all nominators via email.

Questions may be directed to Ms. Or Baum, IIAS Secretary, at


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