Computer Science



Advanced Schools present the cutting edge of research to young academics, who learn about the latest advances in their disciplines from world-class scholars.

The annual Advanced School in Computer Science and Engineering provides the forum for learning about current computer-focused scholarship, examining the scientific foundations of the field, discussing its application in industry, and exploring future directions.

The General Director of the School is multiple-prize winner, Professor Moshe Vardi.

General Director


Moshe Vardi

General Director - current
Rice University

Moshe Y. Vardi is an Israeli mathematician and a computer scientist. He is the George Distinguished Service Professor in Computational Engineering at Rice University.

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His interests focus on applications of logic to computer science, including database theory, finite-model theory, knowledge in multi-agent systems, computer-aided verification and reasoning, and teaching logic across the curriculum. He is an expert in model checking, constraint satisfaction and database theory, common knowledge (logic), and theoretical computer science.

He is the author and co-author of over 600 papers, as well as two books: Reasoning about Knowledge and Finite Model Theory and Its Applications. He is currently a Senior Editor of the Communications of the ACM, after having served for a decade as Editor-in-Chief.

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