Application period is closed
Peter Sarnak, IAS Princeton
Jonathan Breuer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Maurice Duits, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Vadim Gorin, University of California, Berkeley
Mykhaylo Shkolnikov, Princeton University
Simone Warzel, Technical University of Munich
The focus of this workshop is the study of various aspects of the spectral theory of disordered systems, with a focus on random Schroedinger operators and random matrix theory. Topics to be discussed include scaling limits, universal behavior, dynamics under the effects of disorder, asymptotic vs. infinite spectral theory, and connections to other areas.
Laure Dumaz, École normale supérieure - PSL
Alan Edelman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
László Erdös, Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Yan Fyodorov, King's College London
Benjamin Gess, Bielefeld University/Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Frédéric Klopp, Sorbonne University
Cyril Labbe, Paris Cité University
Mylène Maïda, University of Lille
Elliot Paquette, McGill University
Mira Shamis, Queen Mary University of London
Tatyana Shcherbina, University of Wisconsin
Alexander (Sasha) Sodin, Queen Mary University of London
Benedek Valkó, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bálint Virág, University of Toronto
Ofer Zeitouni, Weizmann Institute of Science
Martin Zirnbauer, University of Cologne