Israel Motor Days in Jerusalem | Israel Institute for Advanced Studies

Israel Motor Days in Jerusalem

Sun, 07/06/2009 to Wed, 10/06/2009



Opher Donchin, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Amir Karniel, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Eilon Vaadia, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


The nervous system analyzes sensory information and orchestrates motor commands. In so doing, it faces challenges common to many artificially engineered systems. In the spirit of the classic field of cybernetics, the field of computational motor control makes scientific and technological progress by simultaneously exploring the differences between artificial control theory and biological motor control. Computational motor control is a multidisciplinary research program in which mathematics, engineering, physiology, medicine and the cognitive neurosciences all play important roles.

The workshop will bring together world leaders in the field of computational motor control in order to learn about the current state of the field and to identify anticipated and emerging medical and scientific breakthroughs in this exciting field.



Moshe Abeles, Israel
Esther Adi-Japha, Israel
Paul Cisek, Canada
Emanuel Donchin, USA
Opher Donchin, Israel
Kenji Doya, Japan
Timothy Ebner, USA
Anatol Feldman, Canada
Randy Flanagan, Canada
Tamar Flash, Israel
Tzvi Ganel, Israel
Ilan Golani, Israel
Gideon Inbar, Israel
Amir Karniel, Israel
Konrad Kording, USA
Mark Latash, USA
Pietro Mazzoni, USA
Pieter Medendorp, Netherlands
Ron Meir, Israel
Sandro Mussa-Ivaldi, USA
Felix Polyakov, Israel
Steve Scott, Canada
Reza Shadmehr, USA
Mark Shapiro, USA
Oliver Sigaud, France
Jeroen Smeets, Netherlands
Ariel Tankus, USA
Kurt Throughman, USA
Eilon Vaada, Israel
Miriam Zachsenhouse, Israel


Poster, program and abstracts >

