The First Canada-Israel Autism (ASD) Research Symposium

Sat, 01/03/2014 to Tue, 04/03/2014



Abraham Fainsod (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Asher Ornoy (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Connie Putterman (Toronto: Canadian Friends of The Hebrew University)
Lonnie Zwaigenbaum (University of Alberta, Canada)


The Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Hub at the Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada and the Canadian Friends of The Hebrew University Invite you to the First Canada-Israel Autism (ASD) Research Symposium, To be held at the Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Givat Ram  Jerusalem, Israel.  Saturday Evening March 1st until Tuesday March 4, 2014

The event will bring together researchers in autism and in specialized areas as they relate to autism from Israel, Canada and North America.  It will create opportunities for presentations, round table discussions, tours both on and off campus and informal gatherings.


Symposium Agenda:

Sunday and Monday: Research Symposia, short communications and posters

Tuesday:  A full day presenting research and clinical data, open to clinicians and parents



- To create and foster partnerships in autism research between Canadian, American and Israeli researchers
- To highlight expertise in both countries that address needs for research and affect treatment outcomes
- To bring to those interested in Autism updated clinical and research knowledge

There will be 5 symposia, a poster session and short communications session.

Symposia Topics will include:

- Genetics and Epigenetics of ASD
- Prenatal Causes of ASD
- Lessons for ASD from other neurobehavioral disorders
- Epidemiology
- Early diagnosis and assessment of treatment outcomes

The last two symposia will be presented on Tuesday March 4th.

Abstracts also may be sent to Asher Ornoy, Department of Medical Neurobiology, Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel. Email:

The abstracts should be single space, up to 300 words; abstract title, authors and affiliation should be typed continuously (no extra lines); leave one line space from the abstract text. Abstract should be submitted no later than December 15, 2013.



Prof. Asher Ornoy
Chairman of the Scientific committee