Genome Stability in Health and Disease

Sun, 21/09/2008 to Thu, 25/09/2008



Martin Kupiec, Tel Aviv University
Dina Raveh, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Yosef Shiloh, Tel Aviv University


The common denominator of a predisposition to cancer, chronic disease and the ageing process is our genetic material, DNA. Recent progress in our understanding of the DNA damage response has led to the discovery of many of the central players in this system. Scientists now understand the chain of events that leads to instantaneous activation of the enormous cellular response to DNA lesions.

The workshop will explore recent advances in this rapidly developing field, identify new research directions of common interest to the growing community of genome investigation, and initiate new collaborations.



Andres Aguilera, Spain
Alan Ashworth, UK
Jiri Bartek, Denmark
Vilhelm Bohr, USA
Keith Caldecott, UK
Antony Carr, UK
David Chen, USA
Junjie Chen, USA
Vincenzo Costanzo, UK
Alan D'Andrea, USA
Daniel Durocher, Canada
Oskar Fernandez-Capetillo, Spain
Marco Fioani, Italy
Jean Gautier, USA
Ian Hickson, UK
Philip Hieter, Canada
Stephen Jackson, UK
Maria Jasin, USA
Penny Jeggo, UK
Sue Jinks-Robertson, USA
Jan Karlseder, USA
Michael Kastan, USA
Sarah Lambert, France
Martin Lavin, Australia
Susan Lees-Miller, Canada
Alan Lehmann, UK
Jiri Lukas, Denmark
Arthur Lustig, USA
Peter McKinnon, USA
Alain Nicolas, France
Andre Nussenzweig, USA
Tom Petes, USA
John Petrini, USA
Rodney Rothstein, USA
Dorota Skowyra, USA
Lorraine Symington, USA
Sunichi Takeda, Japan
Helle Ulrich, UK
Zhao-Qi Wang, Germany
Matthew Weitzman, USA
Lee Zou, USA

