Getting Started with PDEs | Israel Institute for Advanced Studies

Getting Started with PDEs

Thu, 03/09/2015 to Wed, 09/09/2015



Dan Mangoubi, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Lenya Rhyzhik, Stanford University


This joint IIAS-ISF conference is part of a long-term effort to increase the number of students in Israel conducting research in Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Differential Geometry. The lectures will emphasize the beauty of the theories connected to so many physical and biological phenomena.

The topics to be discussed include: homogenization theory; Navier-Stokes hydrodynamics equation; interface dynamics of flows; stochastic calculus; PDEs in symplectic geometry; Monge-Ampère equations in geometry; and non-linear Schrödinger equations.



Scott N. Armstrong, CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine
Haïm Brezis, Rutgers University/ Technion
Peter Constantin, Princeton University
Diego Córdoba, ICMAT
Gady Kozma, Weizmann Institute of Science
Leonid Polterovich, Tel Aviv University
Yanir Rubenstein, University of Maryland
Michael I. Weinstein, Columbia University

