Yigal Bronner, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
David Shulman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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This workshop will explore the continent-wide success of a single text on poetics, Dandin's Mirror of Literature (Kāvyādarśa), composed in Sanskrit in South India around the year 700 CE.
The conference will be organized according to the regions or literary cultures directly influenced by this important text: the Tamil-speaking region of south India, the island of Sri Lanka, Kannada literature in India's Deccan, China and Japan, Tibet and Mongolia, Burma and the Bay of Bengal, and the lasting influence of the Mirror in Sanskrit.
Gil Ben-Herut, University of South Florida
Pema Bhum, Columbia University
Yigal Bronner, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jean-Luc Chevillard, Université Paris Diderot
Jennifer Clare, Indpendent Scholar
Whitney Cox, University of Chicago
Helen Creese, University of Queensland
Thibaut d’Hubert, University of Chicago
Dragomir Dimitrov, University of Barcelona
Alastair Gornall, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Janet Gyatso, Harvard University
Charles Hallisey, Harvard Divinity School
Tom Hunter, University of British Columbia
Christian Lammerts, Rutgers University
Shenghai Li, Harvard Divinity School
Victor Mair, University of Pennsylvania
Lawrence McCrea, Cornell University
P. B. Meegaskumbura, University of Peradeniya
Anne Monius, Harvard Divinity School
H. V. Nagaraja Rao, Oriental Research Institute Mysore
Luther Obrock, University of Toronto
Andrew Ollett, University of Chicago
Deven Patel, University of Pennsylvania
Sarah Pierce-Taylor, University of Chicago
Aleix Ruiz-Falqués, Independent Scholar
David Shulman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Gary Tubb, University of Chicago
Vesna Wallace, UC Santa Barbara