Prayer and Worship in Eastern Christianities, 5th to 11th Centuries

Mon, 23/06/2014 to Wed, 25/06/2014



Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Derek Krueger, University of North Carolina at Greensboro


The conference - which will bring together scholars from Israel as well as guests from the USA and Europe - will address various issues regarding prayer and worship in Eastern Christianity (5th-11th centuries). Rather than focusing on doctrine differences and analyzing divergent patterns of thought, the papers will address common pattterns of worship, individual and collective prayer, hymnography and liturgy, as well as the indigenous theories that undergirded Christian practices. By looking at liturgy, performance, prayer, poetry, and the material culture of worship, we aim to forge a new conversation about the religious dynamics in the medieval eastern Mediterranean world centered on the history of religious practice.



Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sabino Chialà, Monastery of Bose, Italy
Leah Di Segni, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Daniel Galadza, University of Vienna
Hannah Hunt, Leeds Trinity University
Scott F. Johnson, Georgetown University
Derek Krueger, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Hillel Newman, University of Haifa
Columba Stewart, Saint John's University
Jack Tannous, Princeton University
Ann Marie Yasin, University of Southern California

