The Religious Experience of Crisis in Eastern Christianity, 4th-7th Centuries (Reunion Conference) | Israel Institute for Advanced Studies

The Religious Experience of Crisis in Eastern Christianity, 4th-7th Centuries (Reunion Conference)

Sun, 08/07/2012 to Wed, 11/07/2012



Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
in collaboration with the Center for Study of Christianity at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


This event is a reunion conference for the Research Group "Personal and Institutional Religion: Christian Thought and Practice from the Fifth to the Eighth Century". The conference, which will bring together the members of the original group as well as additional guests from the US and Europe, will address various issues regarding the religious experience of crisis in the Mediterranean world of the 4th-7th centuries. The goal of the conference is to discuss the following questions: What was the impact of theological controversies on the social and intellectual life of Late Antiquity? Is it possible to approach the Eschatological reactions in Judaism and Christianity from this angle, namely, as a religious experience of crisis? To what extent has the perception of political and theological crisis affected changes in the theological outlook and the spiritual life? How did the religious communities in the Mediterranean world perceive this crisis?



Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Philippe Blaudeau, University of Angers
Alberto Camplani, La Sapienza, Rome
Lutz Greisiger, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Aryeh Kofsky, University of Haifa
Derek Krueger, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Ritta Lizzi, University of Perugia
Sergey Minov, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Yonatan Moss, Yale University
Hillel Newman, University of Haifa
István Perczel, Central European University, Budapest
Lorenzo Perrone, University of Bologna
Serge Ruzer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
David Satran, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Roger Scott, University of Melbourne
Columba Stewart, Saint John's University, Minnesota