John Gal, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Idit Weiss-Gal, Tel Aviv University
The conference will bring together leading social work scholars in order to discuss ways to further a research agenda on "policy practice", which refers to the engagement of social workers in the policy formulation process.
The conference will include the following topics:
- An overview of existing research on policy practice and the major research questions in this field
- A review of the methodological approaches in social work research
- Comparison of the role of policy practice in different countries
Michal Almog-Bar, Israel
María Asunción Martínez-Román, Spain
Annamaria Campanini, Italy
Richard Hoefer, USA
Roni Holler, Israel
Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova, Russia
Aysecan Kartal Scifo, Turkey
Chana Katz, Israel
Philip Mendes, Australia
Matthias Otten, Germany
Linda Plitt-Donaldson, USA
Pavel Romanov, Russia
Margaret S. Sherraden, USA
Michael Sherraden, USA
Graeme Simpson, UK
Stefanos Spaneas, Cyprus
Roni Strier, Israel
Shmulik Szeintuch, Israel
Talia Tayri, Israel
Katarina Thorén, Sweden