A Workshop with Dr. Mattia C. Chiriatti

Mon, 20/01/202009:00-15:00
Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram, Feldman Building, Room 128

Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility for Academic Staff Program invite graduate students to participate in a workshop on the late antique and early medieval period. Our venerable guest is Dr. Mattia C. Chiriatti, of the University of Alcalá. Dr. Chiriatti's field of interest includes intellectual and cultural history in the late antique period, and especially the cultural exchanges between East and West.


Osnat Ranch, Ph.D. candidate at the Jewish history department, HUJI

Anita Shtrubel, Ph.D. candidate at the comparative religion department, HUJI

Dr. Mattia C. Chiriatti, respondent


For registration, kindly send an email to Mor Hagbi, at mor.hagbi@mail.huji.ac.il.