Credit: Reichman University
Hodder Press is set to release "Synchronized: The Science of How and Why We Bond," the debut book by psychologist and neuroscientist Ruth Feldman, a former fellow at the IIAS and part of "The Influential Child: The Role of Children's Psychobiology and Socialization in Development" research group.
In this pioneering work, Feldman delves into the intricacies of human bonding, introducing the concept of "biobehavioral synchrony" to elucidate the biological processes underlying social connection. Through her extensive research, Feldman reveals how our brains, bodies, and behaviors synchronize during moments of connection, shaping the very essence of human relationships.
For further details, refer to the full article: https://www.thebookseller.com/rights/hodder-press-scoops-ruth-feldmans-b...