NetIAS/EURIAS Conference

Sun, 10/04/2016 to Wed, 13/04/2016



Michal Linial, IIAS Director
Olivier Bouin, RFIEA, Paris


NetIAS is a Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study established in 2004, consisting of 19 institutes across Europe. IAS directors and their associates will meet in Jerusalem to discuss IAS practices, possible forms of cooperation, and the academic and public roles of an IAS in general and also to celebrate five years of the EURIAS Fellowship Program. The program (abbreviated EURIAS-2, for European IAS, second cycle) is an international European mobility program supported by the European Commission since May 2009. It includes 16 institutes of Advanced Study in Europe. EURIAS builds on the strong reputation of the Institutes in promoting the focused, self-directed work of excellent researchers.

The meeting will provide a platform for open discussions on the role of the fellows' network and the mechanisms for enhancing collaboration within NetIAS member institutes.


Recorded Lectures >


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