Michal Linial (IIAS Director)
Chao Tang (Peking University and UCSF)
Hanah Margalit (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Eran Meshorer (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Alon Zaslaver (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
This joint IIAS and Peking University workshop, featuring postgraduate students and mentors from Israel and Peking, is the first in a series focusing on Strategies and Design Principles. The workshop will explore the following topics: cell fate and differentiation; decision making in neuronal systems; systems biology of tumour microenvironment; regeneration and reprogramming; intercellular communications (e.g. biofilm, microbiome, pathogens...); and hierarchical design of biological networks. In our view, these topics represent some of the most challenging, open questions in the field of Systems Biology.