Selection and Control Mechanisms in Perception and Action

Sun, 25/04/2010 to Thu, 29/04/2010



Asher Cohen, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Lilach Shalev Mevorach, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


The workshop will revolve around three thematic focuses: bottom up and top-down control of perception; response selection; action planning and execution. A specific emphasis will also be placed on special populations exhibiting deficient control processes in perception and action, both as a consequence of acquired (brain damage) and neurodevelopmental (e.g. ADHD, autism) disorders.

Leading scientists will provide a comprehensive assessment of what we currently know about control mechanisms in perception and action, and what are the main questions for future research.



Merav Ahissar, Israel
Daniel Algom, Israel
Galia Avidan, Israel
Marlene Behrmann, USA
Marisa Carrasco, USA
Asher Cohen, Israel
Maurizio Corbetta, USA
Leon Deouell, Israel
Adele Diamond, Canada
John Duncan, UK
Rob Ellis, UK
Jim Enns, Canada
Tamar Flash, Israel
Melvyn Goodale, Canada
Daniel Gopher, Israel
Ran Hassin, Israel
Shaul Hochstein, Israel
Berhard Hommel, Netherlands
Glyn Humphreys, UK
Sabine Kastner, USA
Rutie Kimchi, Israel
Nachshon Meiran, Israel
Carmel Mevorach, UK
Wolfgang Prinz, Germany
Jane Riddoch, UK
Dov Sagi, Israel
Lilach Shalev-Mevorach, Israel
Juha Silvanto, Finland
Donald Stuss, Canada
Jan Theeuwes, Netherlands
Anne Treisman, USA
Yehoshua Tsal, Israel
Carlo Umilta, Italy
Jeremy Wolfe, USA
Yaffa Yeshurun, Israel

