Avinoam Mann, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Louis Rowen, Bar-Ilan University
David Saltman, Center for Communication Analysis, Princeton
Aner Shalev, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Lance Small, UC San Diego
Uzi Vishne, Bar-Ilan University
Shimshon Amitsur was a spectacular mathematician, who, with Levitzki, founded the Israeli school of Algebra. Not only has every Israeli algebraist been influenced by him – his reputation spread around the world, including, at a crucial time, beyond the Iron Curtain. His ingenious construction of noncrossed-product division algebras, using techniques from Number Theory and Arithmetic, demonstrates his superb ability to establish surprising connections between major branches of the field.
The speakers at this conference are prominent contributors to a variety of topics of contemporary algebra. This conference is a forum not only for a retrospective view of Amitsur's legacy, but also a prospective panorama of algebra in decades to come.
Jason Bell, University of Waterloo
Amiram Braun, University of Haifa
Adam Chapman, Academic College, Tel-Aviv Yafo
Miriam Cohen, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Sean Eberhard, University of Cambridge
Anna Erschler, École Normale Supérieure
Uriya First, University of Haifa
Be'eri Greenfeld, UC San Diego
Bob Guralnick, University of Soutern California
Danny Krashen, Rutgers University
Michael Larsen, Indiana University
Alex Lubotzky, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Eli Matzri, Bar-Ilan University
Raman Parimala, Emory University
Chloe Perin, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Claudio Procesi, Universita degli Studi di Roma
Igor Rapinchuk, Michigan State University
Yoav Segev, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Sue Sierra, University of Edinburgh
Agata Smoktunowicz, University of Edinburgh
Pham Huu Tiep, Rutgers University
Efim Zelmanov, UC San Diego
PLEASE NOTE: The first day of the event (1 November) will be held in-person at the IIAS (as well as on Zoom for those attending from abroad), and the remaining days (2-4 November) will be held only on Zoom in the afternoon/evening (Israel time).