Eran Rabani | Israel Institute for Advanced Studies

Eran Rabani

Tel Aviv University

Eran Rabani is a professor in the Department of Chemical Physics at Tel Aviv University. He received his PhD in Theoretical Chemistry in 1996 from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and undertook postdoctoral research at Columbia University before joining the faculty of Tel Aviv University in 1999. Prof. Rabani's research involves the development of theoretical and computational tools to investigate fundamental properties of nanostructures. His research covers structural, electronic and optical properties of nanocrystals, doping of nanoparticles, exciton and multiexciton dynamics at the nanoscale, and transport in correlated nano-junctions. Much of this relies on the development of stochastic electronic structure techniques to describe the ground and excited state properties in large-scale nanostructures. In addition, Prof. Rabani has pioneered real-time approaches to nonequilibrium many-body quantum dynamics to describe quantum liquid and glasses and to explore electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions in nano-junctions.

Prof. Rabani has received numerous awards and prizes, including the ICS Prize for Excellent Young Chemists (2003), the Friedenberg Foundation Award (2002) and the Bergmann Memorial Research Award (2000).