Jampa Samten is an Associate Professor, teaching History of Indian and Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan History at Central University for Tibetan Studies, Varanasi, India. His main field of study is Tibetan Buddhism. He completed his Doctor's Dissertation on "The Critical Study of Samvarodaya Tantra and Commentary by Indian scholar Ratnarakshita" of the 12th century, from Visva Bharati University, Shantinikitan, India. His publications include over 25 research papers and 7 books (including co-authored books) that include "A Catalogue of the Phug Manuscript Kanjur" LTWA, Dharamsala, 1992 and "From Tibet Confidentially: Secret Correspondence of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama to Agvan Dorzhiev," 1911-1925, LTWA, Dharamsala, 2012. The survey and study of the history of Canonical Buddhist literatures translated and preserved in Tibetan language has been his main area of research. Jampa is currently working on a book entitled "Bod kyi bKa' 'gyur dang bsTan 'gyur gyi byung rim lo rgyus (A History of Tibetan Tripitaka)" and the editing of a Sanskrit and Tibetan Text of Samvarodaya Tantra with content summary in English. Another book on the subject, written together with Hiroaki Niisaku, rGyal rtse Them spangs ma'i bKa' 'gyur dkar chag: A Catalogue of the Ulan Bator rGyal rtse Them spangs ma Manuscript Kangyur, is scheduled to be published by Tokyo: Sankibo (2013) in press.