Prof. Tamar Herzig is a scholar of early modern European history, specializing in the religious history of Renaissance Italy. She is a Professor of History at Tel Aviv University, and currently serves as Director of Tel Aviv University’s Morris E. Curiel Institute for European Studies and as Vice Chair of the Historical Society of Israel.
Prof. Herzig has dedicated her career to studying early modern religion from a social and cultural-historical perspective, focusing on religious women, preachers, heretics, converts, and slaves. She is the author of Savonarola’s Women: Visions and Reform in Renaissance Italy (University of Chicago Press, 2008; Italian edition published by Carocci in 2014); a book in Hebrew on the Italian Renaissance (2011; 2014); and ‘Christ Transformed into a Virgin Woman’: Lucia Brocadelli, Heinrich Institoris, and the Defense of the Faith (Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2013).
She recently won the American Historical Association’s Rosenberg Prize (2020) and was awarded an Honorable Mention for the Renaissance Society of America's Gordan Book Prize in Renaissance Studies (2021) for her book A Convert’s Tale: Art, Crime, and Jewish Apostasy in Renaissance Italy (Harvard University Press, 2019). She also won the Kadar Award for Outstanding Research in 2019 for her work on religious conversion in early modern Italy.
Prof. Herzig has co-edited three volumes and published over 40 articles in journals, books, and historical encyclopedias. She is a recipient of the George L. Mosse Fellowship, the Yad Hanadiv Postdoctoral Fellowship, the Yigal Alon Fellowship for Outstanding Junior Faculty, the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship, as well as Israel Science Foundation research grants (in 2010-2013 and in 2015-2019). She is currently the Renaissance Society of America’s Discipline Representative for the field of Religion and a member of numerous academic advisory boards.