Our Virtual Bookshelf displays books written and edited by former IIAS fellows that were initiated or completed during their stay at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, and which acknowledge the IIAS in print. The books are the natural outcome of our visiting Research Group members’ stay at the IIAS – reading, studying, interacting with colleagues – and we are pleased to present them to you.

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Exoneration and Compensation for the Wrongly Convicted: Enhancing Procedural Justice?

Exoneration and Compensation for the Wrongly Convicted: Enhancing Procedural Justice?

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Miscarriages of justice, in the form of wrongful convictions, are evidence of the failings of the criminal justice system. The revolution sparked by the potential of DNA forensic analysis in the 1990s demonstrates on an almost daily basis that errors are frequently made and innocent people are convicted of crimes they did not commit. Furthermore, a growing body of what has been termed innocence scholarship has evinced a discernible number of contributing factors that have influenced wrongful convictions. Despite the fact that this literature has established that those factors routinely cause wrongful convictions, the means to exoneration and compensation are fraught with legal and procedural obstacles. While it has been argued elsewhere that a wrongful conviction, in and of itself ultimately raise questions of legitimacy, the focus of this essay will be on understanding how access to and availability of schemes of post-conviction review and compensation in Canada also raise similar questions.

Last updated on 07/11/2021