Orthodoxy Through the 19th Century | Israel Institute for Advanced Studies

Orthodoxy Through the 19th Century


Michael Kalman Silber

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Michael is a professor in the Department of History of the Jewish People at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Aviezer Ravitzky

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Aviezer is a professor in the Department of Jewish Thought at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests are: medieval Jewish philosophy; twentieth century religious thought; Jewish political thought; Messianism; religious radicalism; Israel: society and ideology.

Michael A. Meyer

Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati
Michael is a professor in the Jewish Institute of Religion at Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati. His research interests are: history of Jewish religion, Jewish identity, Jewish historiography, and history of German Jewry.

David Ellenson

Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles
David is a professor in the Jewish Institute of Religion at Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles. His research interests are: history of modern Jewish religious movements; modern Jewish religious thought; Jewish liturgy in the modern era; sociological analysis of modern Rabbinic responsa.

Shmuel Feiner

Bar-Ilan University

Shmuel is a professor in the Department of Jewish History at Bar-Ilan University. His research interests are: modern Jewish History in the 18th and 19th centuries; the Jewish Enlightenment; cultural conflicts; secularization; orthodoxy, and modern nationalism.


Yosef Salmon

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Yosef is a professor in the Department of History at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. His research interests are modern Jewish history, and the history of the Jews in Eastern Europe and in the Land of Israel.