Elliot is a professor in the Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies at New York University. His research interests are Kabbalah, religious studies, poetics, Continental and Far Eastern philosophy, and gender theory.
William is a professor in the Religious Studies Department at Rice University. His research interests are the social scientific study of religion, and comparative mysticism.
Zvi is a professor in the Department of Literature of the Jewish People at Bar-Ilan University. His research interests are Hasidism and Hebrew literature.
David is a professor in the Department of Ethics, Religion and Society at Xavier University. His research interests are comparative philosophy and religion, and Buddhist social theory.
Boaz is a professor in the Department of Jewish Thought at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. His research interests are history of Kabbalah, reception of the Zohar, contemporary Kabbalah, Kabbalah and westen esotericism, and genealogies of Jewish mysticism.
Jonathan is a professor in the Department of Jewish Thought at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests are modern Kabbalah, comparitive mysticism, mussar, and shamanism.
Yoram is a professor in the Department of Sociology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests are culture and mental health, and anthropology of religion.
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