The 39th Advanced School in Theoretical Physics on The Physics of Black Holes at Galactic Centers Sun, 28/12/2025 to Fri, 09/01/2026Add to CalendarOutlook Google
Keynote Lecture: Space and Power in Renaissance Rome Sun, 09/03/202511:00-12:30Location: Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, 130 Lecture Hall
Neuroscience Unleashed - The 29th Advanced School in Life Sciences on Neuroscience Sun, 20/07/2025 to Thu, 24/07/2025Add to CalendarOutlook Google
The 7th Advanced School in the Humanities on Historical Formations of Spatial Knowledge Sun, 09/03/2025 to Thu, 13/03/2025
Mechanics and Geometry in Soft and Hard Condensed Matter Workshop Thu, 28/03/2024Location: The Israel Institute for Advanced Studies
The 39th Advanced School in Theoretical Physics on Geometry, Topology and Mechanics in Soft Condensed Matter
The 5th Advanced School in Computer Science and Engineering: AI for Better Medicine Sun, 15/01/2023 to Thu, 19/01/2023
The 33rd Advanced School in Economic Theory: Imperfect Cognition and Economic Behaviour Mon, 26/06/2023 to Wed, 05/07/2023
The 38th Advanced School in Theoretical Physics: QFT/String Theory in the times of COVID-19 Tue, 27/12/2022 to Thu, 05/01/2023
The 23rd Midrasha Mathematicae: O-Minimality and its Applications in Diophantine Geometry and Hodge Theory Sun, 11/12/2022 to Thu, 15/12/2022
The 28th Advanced School in Life Sciences: Novel roles for RNA in Biology and Therapy Sun, 23/10/2022 to Thu, 27/10/2022
The 32nd Jerusalem Advanced School in Economic Theory: International Economics Tue, 21/06/2022 to Thu, 30/06/2022