General vocab
Humanities- Advanced School 2018-2019
The 4th Advanced School in the Humanities
Event date: January 13 - January 17, 2019
Ann Blair (Harvard University)
Dror Wahrman (The Hebrew University)
Ray Schrire (The Hebrew University)
General Director: Anthony Grafton (Princeton University)
This five-day winterschool at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies brings together specialists of books in Hebrew and European languages from the late medieval and early modern periods. We will study textual practices through the lifecycle of the various physical objects we call books for convenience (though they may take other forms than the codex that we associate with books today). In particular we will examine how texts were composed and scribed, prepared for publication and distributed (in manuscript or in print), and read and annotated. By focusing on materiality and practice we wish to explore points of contact and difference between traditions and cultures that are often studied as separate. We are eager to learn from one another and from the students who join us across our various areas of specialization which include learned cultures in Latin and Hebrew, various vernacular European literatures and cultures, and Jewish books of the medieval and early modern periods, in manuscript and print. We are planning five full days of activities in different formats including visits to special collections in nearby libraries, lectures, hands-on workshops and roundtables, and above all both moderated and informal discussions of many kinds, including of pre-circulated materials which everyone will read in advance.
Physics - Upcoming School: 2018-2019
December 29, 2019-January 9, 2020
Organizer: David Gross (UCSB, KITP)
The 29th Summer School in Economic Theory: Industrial Organization
The 30th Jerusalem Advanced School of Economics 2018-2019
General Director: Eric Maskin (Harvard University)
Co-directors: Elchanan Ben-Porath,Codirector (The Hebrew University); Jose Scheinkman (Columbia University)
Finance is the lifeblood of a modern economy. Without it, investment would grind to a halt, firms would miss payrolls, and consumers could not buy homes. In this summer school, we will explore a variety of current research issues, including speculation, long-run risk, cryptocurrency, credit cycles, and macrofinance, among others.
Jaroslav Borovicka, New York University
Darrell Duffie, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Ben Hebert, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Gur Huberman, Columbia Business School
Nobuhiro Kiyotaki, Princeton University
Peter Kondor, London School of Economics and Political Science
Ilan Kremer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Yueran Ma, The University of Chicago
Yuliy Sannikov, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Jose Scheinkman, Columbia University
Vikrant Vig, London School of Economics and Political Science
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The Jerusalem 25th Advanced School in Life Sciences: Signal Transduction
Life Sciences - Advanced School: 2018-2019
Signal Transduction The Jerusalem 25th Advanced School in Life Sciences
Organizers: Hermona Soreq (The Hebrew University)
David Engelberg (The Hebrew University)
Mickey Kosloff (University of Haifa)
General Director: Roger Kornberg (Stanford University)
Signals are transduced from the environment and from within cells to control gene expression and cell fate. Signal transduction underlies many pathologies, including cancer, inflammation, neurological disorders and cardiovascular disease. A majority of drugs target signal transduction pathways. The 25th Advanced School in the Life Sciences will review the field and related studies. Leaders from Israel and abroad will describe the history and current status of their research.
The School honors the memory of Zvi Selinger, ten years after his passing. Selinger was a pioneer in the signal transduction field. His bold hypothesis of a GTPase cycle and brilliant experimental work inspired others, and laid a basis for subsequent research.
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