The Ulama: Their Sociopolitical Role and Religious Thought
[RG #30] The Ulama: Their Sociopolitical Role and Religious Thought
Nechemia Levtzion (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
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Jewish Societies under the Nazi Regime
[RG #29] Jewish Societies under the Nazi Regime
Yehuda Bauer (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
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Etan Kohlberg
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Etan Kohlberg is a professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests are Islamic Studies, Sufism and Shi'ism.
Motty Perry
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Motty is a professor in the Department of Economics at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests are economic theory and game theory.
Asher Wolinsky
Northwestern University
Asher is a professor in the Department of Economics at Northwestern University, USA. His research interests are economic theory with much of the focus on game theoretic models of markets and institutions.