Meira is a professor in the Department of Hebrew Culture Studies at Tel Aviv University. Her research interests are: Judaeo-Arabic literature; Arabic sources in the Cairo Geniza; medieval Bible exegesis and translation; and Karaite Judaism.
Rita is a professor in the Departments of Classical Studies and English at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests are: medieval rhetoric and hermeneutics; medieval literary theory; medieval grammar; medieval literatures; history of literary theory; and history of rhetoric.
Adele is a professor in the Department of English and Jewish Studies at University of Maryland. Her research interests are biblical studies: literary approaches, intepretation theory and practice.
Jon is a professor in the Department of English at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests are: history of allegory; relations between medieval literature and philosophy; medieval romance; and history of critical theory.
Sidney is a professor in the Department of Semitic Languages at the Institute of Christian Oriental Research, The Catholic University of America. His research interests are Arabic Christianity, Syriac monasticism, medieval Christian-Muslim encounters, and ecumenical and interfaith dialogue.
Mordechai is a professor in the Bernard Revel Graduate School at Yeshiva University. His research interests are Jewish Bible intepretation in its Christian and Muslim cultural contexts, especially in its connections with Arabic poetics and Muslim jurisprudence.
Meir is a professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests are Qur'an and its exegesis; Shi'ism; Muslim sectarianism; and the interaction between Judaism and Islam.
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