

Resianne Fontaine

University of Amsterdam
Resianne is a professor in the Juda Palache Institute at the University of Amsterdam. Her research interests are Medieval Jewish philosophy and science.
Eric Ford

Eric Ford

Penn State University
Eric Ford is a professor in astrophysics and an expert on how planets are formed at the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, at Penn State University.
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He combines theoretical research with observation to improve understanding of our solar system and beyond. His research centers around planet formation, the dynamical evolution of planetary systems, & extrasolar planets. 



2018-2019 Fellow: Big Data and Planets

Read more about Dr. Ford here.



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Dean Foster

University of Pennsylvania

Dean is a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA. His research interests are machine learning, game theory and variable selection.


Éric Fournier

West Chester University

Éric Fournier is a Professor in the Department of History at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. His research interests are: late antiquity (history); Episcopal exile; persecution; rhetoric of persecution; early Christianity; North Africa; and vandals.


Yaniv Fox

Bar-Ilan University

Yanix Fox is a senior lecturer in the Department of General History at Bar-Ilan University. His research interests are Late Antique and Early Medieval history.



Jonathan Frankel

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Jonathan Frankel is a professor in the Department of Russian and Slavic Studies at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests are Russian and Jewish history.


Miriam Frenkel

Ben-Zvi Institute
Miriam is a professor in the Ben-Zvi Institute for the Study of Jewish Communities in the East. Her research interests are: Geniza studies; Medieval Jewish history under Islam; cultural encounters between Islam and Judaism in the Middle Ages; and Jewish intellectual history in the Middle Ages.

Nir Fresco

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Nir Fresco is a postdoctoral fellow at the Edelstein Center (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and a visiting fellow at the Decision Systems Lab (University of Wollongong, Australia). In 2013 he graduated with a PhD in Philosophy from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
Gad Freudenthal

Gad Freudenthal


Gad Freudenthal is Senior Research Fellow Emeritus with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Paris. He has written on the reception of science and philosophy in Jewish cultures, mainly in the Middle Ages and in the eighteenth century, and has focused his research on Greek philosophies of matter.

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He is the editor of the journal Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism.

2018-2019 Fellow: The Reception and Impact of Aristotelian Logic in Medieval Jewish Culture

Read more about Dr. Freudenthal here

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