Nikolai Kotrelev
Maxim Gorky Literature Institute
Nikolai Kotrelev is a professor in the Maxim Gorky Literature Institute. His research interests are Russian poetry.
Elias Koutsoupias
University of Athens
Elias is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Athens. His research interests are theoretical computer science, algorithmic game theory, and decision making under uncertainty.
Arkady Kovelman
Moscow State University
Arkady is a professor in the Center for Jewish Studies at Moscow State University. His research interests are Hellenistic and Jewish culture.
Maria Kravchyk
University of Odessa
Maria Kravchyk was an associate professor in the field of philosophy and culture at the International Humanitarian University in Odessa, and is currently in Israel.
Ilan Kremer
Stanford University
Ilan is a professor in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. His research interests are auction theory and financial economics.
Manfred Krifka
University of Texas at Austin
Manfred is a professor in the Department of Linguistics at University of Texas at Austin.
Derek Krueger
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Derek is a professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. His research interests are: Christianity in Late Antiquity and Byzantium; hagiography; liturgy and identity; monasticism; and lay piety.
Derek Krueger
University of North Carolina
Derek Krueger is the Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. His research interests include Christianity in Late Antiquity and Byzantium as well as ritual and gender studies.
Mikhail Krutikov
University of Michigan
Mikhail Krutikov is a professor in the Departmenf of Slavic Languages and Literature at the University of Michigan. His research interests are Jewish-Slavic relations.