

Leon Zamosc

UC San Diego
Leon is a professor in the Department of Sociology at University of California, San Diego. His research interests are: Latin American societies; political sociology; ethnicity and indigenous peoples; social movements; civil society and citizenship.

Konstantin Zarembo

Konstantin Zarembo is a professor at Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden.

Yael Zerubavel

Rutgers University
Yael is a professor in the Center for Jewish Life at Rutgers University. Her research interests are the construction of Israeli national culture and formation/transformations of Israeli identity.

Oded Zinger

Duke University
Oded is a Perilman Postdoctoral Fellow at Duke University Center for Jewish Studies. His research interests are the social and cultural history of Jewish communities in the medieval Islamic world with a focus on the interaction of gender and law through the documents of the Cairo Geniza.

Amalia Zomeño Rodríguez

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Gentificas Granada
Amalia is a professor at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Gentificas Granada. Her research interests are: social history in Western Islamic countries, Islamic law, and Arabic documents.

Mauro Zonta

Sapienza University of Rome
Mauro is a professor in the Department of Philosophy and Epistemological Studies at Sapienza University of Rome.
Lorenzo Zucca

Lorenzo Zucca

King’s College London


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Lorenzo Zucca is Professor in Law & Philosophy. Lorenzo's special interests span from human rights law and philosophy to constitutional theory, with a focus on the relation between Church and State. 

He's now working on a project entitled 'The Uncertainty of Will,' which explores Shakespeare's vision on the connection between power and knowledge and examines its psychological and philosophical insights on human cognition and human institutions. 

He is the author of Constitutional Dilemmas- Conflicts of Fundamental Legal Rights in Europe and the USA (OUP, 2007) and numerous articles on human rights law and theory. His second monograph is entitled A Secular Europe: Law and Religion in the European Constitutional Landscape (OUP 2012). This is a study of one of the most pressing problems in Europe and includes issues such as the protection of religious freedom, the limits of religious toleration, and a wider debate on European identity.


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Sharon Zuckerman

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sharon is a professor in the Institute for Archaeology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.