

Dan Maoz

Tel Aviv University
Dan Maoz is a professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Tel Aviv University. His research interests include active galactic nuclei, gravitational lensing, and supernovae.

Zvi Mark

Bar-Ilan University
Zvi is a professor in the Department of Literature of the Jewish People at Bar-Ilan University. His research interests are Hasidism and Hebrew literature.

Christoph Markschies

Humboldt University of Berlin
Christoph is a professor in the Department of Theology at Humboldt University of Berlin. His research interests are: history and literature of ancient Christianity; history of Christianity and Jewish-Christian relations in Late Antiquity; Gnosticism; and Greek and Roman religion.

Dan Martin

The Institute of Tibetan Classics


Yusufcan Masatlioglu

University of Michigan

Yusufcan is a professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Michigan, USA. His research interests are individual decision theory, microeconomic theory, and experimental economics.

eric maskin

Eric Maskin

General Director - current

Eric Stark Maskin is an American economist and 2007 Nobel laureate recognized with Leonid Hurwicz and Roger Myerson "for having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory".

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He also has made contributions to game theory, contract theory, social choice theory, political economy, and other areas of economics. He is the Adams University Professor at Harvard University. He was a faculty member at MIT from 1977-1984, Harvard from 1985-2000, and the Institute for Advanced Study from 2000-2011. He rejoined the Harvard faculty in 2012.

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