Toward a History of Sanskrit Poetry: Innovations and Turning Points

[RG #94] Toward a History of Sanskrit Poetry: Innovations and Turning Points

September 1, 2003 - August 31, 2004


Yigal Bronner (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

It is quite amazing that no proper history exists for Sanskrit belles lettres, one of the world's richest and longest literary traditions. The scholarship of the last two and a half centuries yielded, for the most part, a vast body of data on authors and their putative dates. But it failed to produce a narrative explaining developments in their poetic practice and, quite often, denied outright the very possibility of change. Indeed, the number of serious and analytical essays on representative works from the Sanskritic canon is unbelievably small. The main purpose of our research group is to begin to emend this state of affairs and produce a history of Sanskrit literature, one that, contrary to the antihistorical notion of it as monolithic and immune to change, would concentrate on innovations and turning points.




Thomas Hunter

Thomas is affiliated with the Australian Consortium for 'In-Country' Indonesian Studies, Indonesia. His research interests are: cultural archaeology of Malay-Indonesian archipelago; application of post-colonial and translation theory to the critical study of modern Indonesian theory.

Peter Khoroche

Independent Scholar
Peter is an independent scholar. His research interests are: Sanskrit poetry in all its aspects; translating, editing and interpreting the texts in the wider context of Indian culture.

Dan Martin

The Institute of Tibetan Classics


H. V. Nagaraja Rao

Oriental Research Institute Mysore (emeritus)

H. V. Nagaraja Rao, Vidvān, Oriental Research Institute Mysore (emeritus), is a world authority on Sanskrit grammar and poetics. He is the editor of numerous Sanskrit works and has translated many Sanskrit works into English and Kannada, including, most recently, Ruyyaka's Alaṃkārasarvasvam.


Herman Tieken

Leiden University
Herman is a professor in the Kern Institute at Leiden University. His research interests are: classical literatures of Sanskrit and Tamil; Sanskrit drama; Middle-Indic languages and literatures, inscriptions; Jaina canonical texts.

Gary Tubb

Columbia University
Gary is a professor in the Department of Religion at Columbia University. His research interests are: history of the genre of the Sanskrit mahakavya or "great poem"; Sanskrit literary theory and related scholastic traditions.