Research Group


Ruth Feldman

Bar-Ilan University
Ruth Feldman is a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Bar-Ilan University, with a joint appointment at the Child Study Center at Yale University. She is the director of the developmental affective neuroscience laboratory at the Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Sciences Center at BIU.

Maayan Davidov

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Maayan Davidov teaches at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research focuses on parent-child relationships and children's socio-emotional development.
Ariel Knafo-Noam

Ariel Knafo

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ariel Knafo is associate professor of Social-Development Psychology in the Department of Psychology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ellen Sheiner-Moss

University of Quebec at Montreal
Ellen Moss is a professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Quebec at Montreal, where she teaches courses on child development, family relations, and evaluation and treatment of behaviour problems.

Manfred Einsiedler

ETH Zürich
Manfred Einsiedler graduated in 1999 from Universität Wien, and after spending 8 years in the US he became a professor of Mathematics at ETH Zürich in 2009. He is working on dynamical and equidistribution problems on homogeneous spaces.

Shahar Mozes

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Shahar Mozes is a professor at the Einstein Institute for Mathematics at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests include Lie groups, discrete subgroups, geometric group theory and ergodic theory.

Alex Gamburd

The Graduate Center, CUNY
Alexander Gamburd is a professor in the CUNY Graduate Center’s Department of Mathematics. He specializes in spectral problems in number theory, probability, and combinatorics.

Uri Shapira

Uri Shapira is an assistant professor at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. He is mainly interested in the interaction between dynamical systems, ergodic theory, and number theory.

Alex Gorodnik

University of Bristol
Alexander Gorodnik is a Reader in the School of Mathematics at the University of Bristol. His research interests are in the theory of dynamical systems and its connections with other branches of mathematics such as number theory, geometry and representation theory. In collaboration with A.

Peter Sarnak

IAS Princeton
Peter Sarnak is a professor at the School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He has made major contributions to number theory and to questions in analysis motivated by number theory.

Elon Lindenstrauss

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Elon Lindenstrauss is a professor at the Einstein Institute for Mathematics at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His main areas of research are ergodic theory, dynamical systems, and their applications to number theory.

Zeev Rudnick

Tel Aviv University
Zeev Rudnick is the Cissie and Aaron Beare Chair in Number Theory at Tel Aviv University. His interests include a range of topics in Number Theory and in Mathematical Physics, in particular Quantum Chaos.

Corinna Ulcigari

University of Bristol
Corinna Ulcigrai received her PhD from Princeton University in 2007, under the supervision of Ya. G. Sinai. She is currently a Lecturer and Research Fellow in the School of Mathematics at the University of Bristol. Her research interests include ergodic theory and Teichmueller dynamics.

Yves Benoist

Orsay University
Yves Benoist is a Research Director in CNRS at Orsay University. He was born in 1959, was awarded his PhD at Paris 7 in 1983, and since then has held CNRS positions at Paris 7, at Ecole Normale Superieure, and taught at Ecole Polytechnique.