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Anthony Burgess

The Ludwig Institute for Cancer
Anthony is a professor in the Ludwig Institute for Cancer, Melbourne. His research interests are: The molecular mechanisms of signal transduction on the EGF receptor. Within this frame of interest the three dimensional stucture of the EGF receptor ligand TGF has been solved.

Molecular Medicine in the Service of Mankind: Towards the 2000s

[RG #82] Molecular Medicine in the Service of Mankind: Towards the 2000s

November 1, 2000 - January 31, 2001


Alexander Levitzki (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

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The group on molecular medicine focused on the role of the new developments in molecular biology and biochemistry in the revolution in medicine which is now taking place. These new developments, including the publication of the human genome, create new opportunities for the improvement of human health. The group's work will concentrate on the ramifications of these technological revolutions for new approaches to the treatment of various cancers and other diseases in which cellular communications fail. 

The group will focus primarily on the molecular mechanisms of cell signaling, that is, how cells communicate between themselves and how cells transmit information into the cell. The group will also explore ways to remedy the aberrations in these communication networks which occur in the course of disease. The knowledge of how cell communication works will allow the development of novel therapies.


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Israel Yuval

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Israel is a professor in the Department of the History of the Jewish People at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests are: history of Jews in medieval Germany; relations between Jews and Christians; the language of rituals.

Steven Wasserstrom

Reed College
Steven is a professor in the Department of Religion at Reed College. His research interests are: Jewish-Muslim relations under early Islam; Jewish-Isma'ili relations in the 11th-12th centuries; historiography of 20th century history of religions.

Alexander Patschovsky

University of Konstanz
Alexander is a professor in the Department of History at the University of Konstanz. His research interests are: medieval heresies; Hussitism; eschatology, especially Joachim of Fiore; medieval Jewish history.

Bernard McGinn

University of Chicago
Bernard is a professor in the Divinity School in the University of Chicago. His research interests are: history of theology, especially in the Middle Ages; apocalyptic traditions in Christiantiy; history of mysticism and spirituality.

Ora Limor

The Open University of Israel

Ora is a professor in the Department of History at the Open University of Israel. Her research interests are: Jewish-Christian polemics and dialogue; cultural encounters in the Middle Ages; sacred tradition and scared space in the Holy Land; pilgrimage: Christian Jewish-Moslem.


Jeremy Cohen

Tel Aviv University
Jeremy is a professor in the Department of Jewish History at Tel Aviv University. His research interests are: Jews and Judaism in medieval European Christendom; inter-religious polemic and Christian anti-Judaism; history of biblical interpretation.

Millennial Pursuits - Apocalyptic Traditions and Expectations of the End among Medieval Jews and their Neighbors

[RG #83] Millennial Pursuits - Apocalyptic Traditions and Expectations of the End among Medieval Jews and their Neighbors

November 2000 - February 2001


Jeremy Cohen (Tel Aviv University)
Ora Limor (The Open University of Israel)

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Our group originated in the conviction that a community's expectations of the end constitute a vital sign -- perhaps one of its most potent agents of social change -- and that the continuing role of religious tradition in nourishing those beliefs warrants scholarly attention. We took our point of departure from the premise that the history of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from late antiquity until the end of the Middle Ages affords a singularly instructive context for the study of eschatology and its socio-cultural significance. This period is proverbially known as the "age of faith" in the annals of Western and Mediterranean civilization, when membership in society was defined first and foremost by one's religious affiliation, and when the prophetic ideals pervading the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Quran undergirded virtually all expressions of cultural creativity. Talmudic and medieval Jews, perennially obsessed with their displacement in galut, diaspora, cultivated numerous permutations of the messianic idea as a basis for persevering in Christian and Muslim societies; as Gershom Scholem aptly noted, they lived their lives largely "in deferment", finding fulfillment in hope for the future rather than in the realities of the present.

Eschatological creativity, however, was not limited to an alienated Jewish minority. Apocalyptic literature and spirituality flowered in patristic and medieval Christianity, among the empowered and the orthodox who identified with the prevailing establishments, as well as among the disenchanted who could not find a satisfying niche in prevailing social structures and institutions. Though often overlooked in recent scholarship, Muslim apocalyptic proved consequential, as well, and eschatological differences highlighted the rift between Sunni and Shi'ite communities. In the worldview shared by the Jews with the Christian and Muslim majorities around them, eschatology provided the basis for a comprehensive reading of history; in its longing for future, it imbued both past and present with significance. So deeply embedded was messianic expectation in the fabric of medieval experience that cultural historian Georges Duby, in his provocative book, An 1000, An 2000, 1995, has sought to unravel our modern premillennial predicament in the terms of its medieval precedents.

Our research will study the messianic expectations of Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Europe and the Middle East from the conversion of Constantine to the Sabbatean messianic movement (4th-17th centuries). While the modern study of eschatology and millennialism has progressed fruitfully within numerous academic disciplines, our group will provide a forum for historical research and conversation, incorporating historians of religion, ideas, and art.


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Lynn Davidman

Brown University
Lynn is a professor in the Program in Judaic Studies at Brown University. Her research interests are: sociology of religion and gender studies; comparative sociological study of why Modern Orthodox, right-wing Orthodox and Chassidim leave orthodoxy.

Yael Zerubavel

Rutgers University
Yael is a professor in the Center for Jewish Life at Rutgers University. Her research interests are the construction of Israeli national culture and formation/transformations of Israeli identity.

Yaacov Yadgar

Bar-Ilan University
Yaacov is a professor in the Department of Political Studies at Bar-Ilan University. His research interests are: collective identity in Israel; nationalism and ethnicity; Jewish identity, media, culture, and politics.

Ezra Kopelowitz

The Jewish Agency
Ezra is affiliated with the Department of Jewish-Zionist Education at the Jewish Agency, Jerusalem.

Shaul Kelner

Brandeis University
Shaul is a professor in the Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University. His research interests are: ethnic homeland tourism; professionalism in American Jewish organizations; American movement to free Soviet Jewry.

Harvey Goldberg

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Harvey is a professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests are the anthropology of Jewish communities and the intersection between anthropology and Jewish Studies.