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Dana Vais3

Dana Vais

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (TUCN)

The first page for math school

Study of Javanese Literature Javanese dance lecture

The 4th Advanced School in the Humanities

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Textual practices across manuscript and early print, ca 1400-1700
Event date: January 13 - January 17, 2019 

Ann Blair (Harvard University)
Dror Wahrman (The Hebrew University)
Ray Schrire (The Hebrew University)

General Director: Anthony Grafton (Princeton University)


This five-day winterschool at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies brings together specialists of books in Hebrew and European languages from the late medieval and early modern periods. We will study textual practices through the lifecycle of the various physical objects we call books for convenience (though they may take other forms than the codex that we associate with books today). In particular we will examine how texts were composed and scribed, prepared for publication and distributed (in manuscript or in print), and read and annotated. By focusing on materiality and practice we wish to explore points of contact and difference between traditions and cultures that are often studied as separate. We are eager to learn from one another and from the students who join us across our various areas of specialization which include learned cultures in Latin and Hebrew, various vernacular European literatures and cultures, and Jewish books of the medieval and early modern periods, in manuscript and print. We are planning five full days of activities in different formats including visits to special collections in nearby libraries, lectures, hands-on workshops and roundtables, and above all both moderated and informal discussions of many kinds, including of pre-circulated materials which everyone will read in advance.

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The 3rd Winter School in Computer Science and Engineering


BLockchains33 The 3rd Winter School in Computer Science and Engineering on Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies

Event date: December 16-20, 2018

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General Director:

Michael Rabin (The Hebrew Univeristy of Jerusalem)



Maurice Herlihy (Brown University)


Moshe Vardi (Rice University)



Blockchain technology promises to revolutionize how modern society deals with trust. Although cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin dominate the media, the long-term impact of blockchain technology on society will extend far beyond today's news cycles, transforming areas ranging from identity management, to non-currency financial instruments, supply chains and logistics, IOT security, and more.


The IIAS Winter School on Blockchains and cryptocurrencies brings together leading researchers in the field to cover the mathematical and algorithmic foundations of the field, as well as more practical engineering issues, with the goal of understanding both the opportunities and the hazards emerging from this area.



Maurice Herlihy (Brown University)

Emin Gun Sirer (Cornell University)

Aviv Zohar (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Ittai Abraham (VMWare)



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The 22nd Midrasha Mathematicae 2018-2019


The 22nd Midrasha Mathematicae

Equidistribution, Invariant Measures and Applications: A tribute to the Legacy of Marina Ratner

Event date: May 19 - May 24, 2019 

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General Director:  Peter Sarnak (IAS Princeton)



Konstantin Khanin (University of Toronto)

Elon Lindenstrauss (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Jens Marklof (University of Bristol)

Yakov Pesin (Penn State University)


Marina Ratner's work on homogeneous dynamics, specifically her landmark results on classifying invariant measures and invariant sets under the action of unipotent groups, are a cornerstone of modern ergodic theory. They have had remarkable impact in various branches of mathematics, which is only growing over time. The Midrasha will be devoted to recent developments that build on and extend Ratner’s seminal work, including: unipotent flows and their applications to counting and equidistribution; diagonal flows on homogenous spaces, and their applications in arithmetic and beyond; measure and orbit classification results for dynamics on moduli spaces of abelian and quadratic differentials; stationary measures and associated random walks in the homogeneous and non-homogeneous spaces. This Midrasha will provide a unique opportunity to remember Marina Ratner (1938–2017) and to celebrate her legacy.


We would like to thank The Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, Prof. Misha Brin, the Einstein Institute of Mathematics of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for funding the school, and the NSF for their assistance with travel expenses for US participants.


Minicourses Lecturers:

Hee Oh, Yale University

Barak Weiss,Tel Aviv University



Yves Benoist, Univerisé Paris-Sud

Aaron Brown, University of Chicago

Dmitry Dolgopyat, University of Maryland

Manfred Einsiedler, ETH Zürich

Alex Eskin, The University of Chicago

David Fisher, Indiana Universityy Bloomington

Hillel Furstenberg, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Adam Kanigowski, University of Maryland

Ilya Khayutin, Princeton University

Amos Nevo, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Federico Rodriguez Hertz, Penn State University

Nimish Shah, Ohio State University

Uri Shapira, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Andreas Strömbergsson, Uppsala University

Jacob Tsimerman, University of Toronto

Corinna Ulcigrai, University of Bristol

Tamar Ziegler, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem



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Cosmopolitan Spaces in an Urban Context: A Case Study of Odessa, 1880-1925


[RG # 163] Cosmopolitan Spaces in an Urban Context: A Case Study of Odessa, 1880-1925

March 1, 2020 – July 30, 2020


Mirja Lecke (Ruhr University--Bochum)
Efraim Sicher (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) 

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The research group offers a new interdisciplinary perspective on cosmopolitanism and urban spaces in Odessa. The group will explore the interstices and crossovers as well as demarcations between Jewish, Russian, and Ukrainian culture in the period 1880-1925, using Odessa as a case study. We will employ the notion of cosmopolitanism as a critical tool for understanding the concrete spatial processes of cultural production and identity negotiation in an urban context. Odessa was mythologized as unique, but may also be a model case for studying other cities with large ethnic minorities in early twentieth-century Eastern Europe.


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